Monday, August 19, 2013

Why All The Recent Atlanta Rain Should Make Us Grateful

Does it take more effort to recognize the good and be grateful than it does to recognize the bad and complain? I don't have research to answer this question, but I wonder sometimes. Last year in the Atlanta area we were complaining of severe drought conditions and the problems that came as a result of it: low lake Lanier water levels, penalties for using your in-ground sprinkler system to water your grass, higher water prices, low water reserve levels etc, etc. Now that we have the rain and THOSE problems are gone, it's like we just HAVE to find something else to complain about. NOW it's too MUCH rain! Really? Sigh... How about let's practice being grateful? Just like things could always be better, they could also always be worse. No, we can't always be grateful FOR everything, but IN everything we can always be grateful for the silver lining... and behind every dark rain cloud, there IS a silver lining. Besides, were it not for the rain, we would never be able to appreciate the beauty of a rainbow.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.